Câmara de Vereadores decide se Guarda Municipal de São José receber...
Coletes à prova de bala, novas viaturas e cursos de capacitação devem ser adquiridos com uma verba de quase um milhão
Câmara Municipal de São José pode aprovar na sessão desta quarta-feira
(29) a liberação de um recurso de R$ 986.659,00 para equipar com novos
carros e coletes balísticos a Guarda Municipal da cidade. A quantia vem
através de um convênio com a Senasp (Secretaria Nacional de Segurança
Pública), órgão do Governo Federal. A Câmara precisa autorizar o
convênio porque se trata de um crédito adicional destinado ao poder
executivo municipal. Dentro deste valor há ainda o acréscimo de R$ 250
mil de recursos próprios do município.
total, devem ser adquiridos 150 coletes à prova de bala. “Isso
significa que cada guarda municipal terá o seu próprio colete. Hoje
todos precisam fazer um revezamento deste equipamento de segurança, o
que prejudica em muito o trabalho”, destaca o comandante da Guarda
Municipal, Jefferson Lima. Com o convênio os guardas terão à disposição
novos veículos, entre automóveis e caminhonetes. “Nossos carros circulam
desde 2005, estão totalmente defasados”, completa o comandante Lima.
Créditos:Saraga Schiestl
City Council decides whether the Municipal Guard of St. Joseph received
Bulletproof vests, new vehicles and training courses must be purchased with a grant of almost one million
The Municipality of San Jose may approve at its meeting this Wednesday (29) to release a feature of R $ 986,659.00 to equip new cars with ballistic vests and the Municipal Guard of the city. The amount comes through an agreement with the National Safety Department (National Secretariat of Public Security), an agency of the Federal Government. The Board needs to authorize the agreement because it is an additional credit for the municipal executive. Within this there is the added value of $ 250,000 of own resources of the municipality.
In total, 150 must be purchased bulletproof vests. "This means that each municipal police will have their own vest. Today everyone needs to do a relay of safety equipment, which greatly affect the work, "said the commander of the Home Guard, Jefferson Lima. Agreement with the guards can look forward to new vehicles, including cars and trucks. "Our cars circulating since 2005, are totally outdated," added the commander Lima.
The Municipality of San Jose may approve at its meeting this Wednesday (29) to release a feature of R $ 986,659.00 to equip new cars with ballistic vests and the Municipal Guard of the city. The amount comes through an agreement with the National Safety Department (National Secretariat of Public Security), an agency of the Federal Government. The Board needs to authorize the agreement because it is an additional credit for the municipal executive. Within this there is the added value of $ 250,000 of own resources of the municipality.
In total, 150 must be purchased bulletproof vests. "This means that each municipal police will have their own vest. Today everyone needs to do a relay of safety equipment, which greatly affect the work, "said the commander of the Home Guard, Jefferson Lima. Agreement with the guards can look forward to new vehicles, including cars and trucks. "Our cars circulating since 2005, are totally outdated," added the commander Lima.
Credits: Saragar Schiestl