Ministério da Justiça entrega 545 tasers destinados às autoridades de segurança estaduais |
A partir da assinatura do Termo de Cooperação Técnica, a Polícia Militar terá cerca de 100 postos de arrecadação, que funcionarão em batalhões e companhias independentes. Já a Polícia Civil contará com 72 postos, localizados nas delegacias regionais do Estado. Atualmente, a Polícia Federal conta com oito locais de coleta na capital e interior.
“Existe uma relação direta entre a quantidade de armas de fogo circulando e a violência e a criminalidade. Por isso, Minas Gerais não poderia deixar de abraçar e apoiar esta campanha do governo federal”, destacou o secretário Lafayette Andrada.
De acordo com o secretário, em virtude do tamanho do território mineiro e para aumentar a capilaridade da campanha, a Secretaria de Estado de Defesa Social (Seds), por meio das polícias, vai elaborar um desenho lógico de uma rede, onde as cidades polos do Estado vão coordenar as cidades satélites. “Nós conseguiremos que mais de 100 cidades estejam presentes de maneira efetiva na Campanha do Desarmamento, em 2011”, disse.
Durante a cerimônia de lançamento da campanha, foram entregues, simbolicamente, pelo Ministério da Justiça, 545 armas não letais (tasers) destinadas às autoridades de segurança estaduais. A Polícia Militar receberá 315 tasers, a Guarda Municipal de Belo Horizonte, 200 e a Guarda Municipal de Varginha, 30.
A Campanha do Desarmamento foi lançada no país no dia 6 de maio. Em dois meses já foram devolvidas aproximadamente 12 mil armas, segundo dados do Ministério da Justiça. Em Minas Gerais, de acordo com a Polícia Federal, de janeiro a até hoje, 630 armas foram entregues.
Neste ano, a campanha traz novidades em relação às realizadas anteriormente, como a inutilização da arma já no ato da entrega, a ampliação dos postos de recolhimento e a participação efetiva da sociedade. Além das delegacias de Polícia Civil e dos quartéis de Polícia Militar, que passam agora ter posto de recolhimento, o Ministério da Justiça irá cadastrar organizações não governamentais (ONGs), associações de bairros e igrejas para receberem as armas e munições.
No ato da entrega das armas, a pessoa irá receber um cupom com a numeração do equipamento e 24 horas depois poderá sacar o dinheiro em qualquer agência do Banco do Brasil. O valor vai variar entre R$ 100,00 e R$ 300,00, dependendo do tipo de arma entregue. O procedimento é mais um diferencial, já que em campanhas anteriores havia uma demora de até três meses para receber a indenização. O cidadão que entregar a arma de fogo, acessório ou munição não necessitará ser identificado.
“Um país como o Brasil, com uma taxa de crescimento elevado e com inserção no cenário internacional, não pode conviver com altos índices de violência, que atingem pessoas das mais variadas classes sociais”, relatou o secretário-executivo do Ministério da Justiça e coordenador nacional da Campanha do Desarmamento, Luiz Paulo Barreto.
Comitê Gestor
No dia 5 de maio de 2011, foi instituída a Comissão Gestora Estadual da Campanha do Desarmamento. O grupo se reúne todas as quintas-feiras, na Escola do Legislativo da Assembleia Legislativa, para discutir assuntos relacionados à campanha e desenvolver estratégias para uma maior adesão por parte da população. “O fato de já existir uma comissão estadual já estruturada em Minas Gerais, mostra um quadro absolutamente favorável ao desenvolvimento Campanha do Desarmamento junto aos mineiros”, afirmou Luiz Paulo Barreto.
São 13 os órgãos, entidades e instituições participantes: Assembleia Legislativa, Secretaria de Estado de Defesa Social, Polícia Civil, Polícia Militar, Corpo de Bombeiros, Polícia Federal, Centro de Estudos de Criminalidade e Segurança Pública (Crisp), Instituto Minas pela Paz (IMPP), Coletivo de Entidades Negras, Conselho Comunitário de Segurança Pública de Araxá, Espasso Conseg, Sindicato dos Guardas Municipais do Estado de Minas Gerais (Sindguardas-MG) e Associação dos Praças Policiais e Bombeiros Militares de Minas Gerais (Aspra).
Por meio do endereço eletrônico é possível acompanhar todas as informações sobre a campanha em Minas Gerais, além dos endereços dos postos de arrecadação.
Estatuto do Desarmamento
O Estatuto do Desarmamento (Lei 10.826/2003) entrou em vigor em 2003 e regulamenta o registro, a posse, o porte e a comercialização de armas de fogo e munição no Brasil. Com o estatuto, o país passou a ter critérios mais rigorosos para o controle das armas. Foi o estatuto que instituiu a realização das campanhas de desarmamento, prevendo o pagamento de indenização para quem entregasse espontaneamente suas armas, a qualquer momento, à Polícia Federal.
Fonte:Jornal Estado de Minas
Municipal Guards is now a reality in the Municipalities, proof of this are the investments made by Pronasci (MJ) on acquisition of non-lethal weapons
Ministry of Justice delivers 545 tasers for state security authorities Minas Gerais will gain almost 200 points to collect weapons and ammunition with the official launch in the state, on Tuesday (5), the Disarmament Campaign 2011 - Get a weapon of the future of Brazil. The Secretary of State for Social Defense, Lafayette Andrada and executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice (MJ) and national coordinator of Campaign for Disarmament, Luiz Paulo Barreto, signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Union and State, which includes forces social defense of Minas Gerais, with emphasis on the Civil Police and the Military Police, the network of receiving weapons. The ceremony which started the campaign took place in the Theatre of the Legislative Assembly, in Belo Horizonte.
From the signature of the Technical Cooperation Agreement, the Military Police will have about 100 posts collection, which will serve in battalions and independent companies. Since the Civil Police will have 72 stations, located in regional offices of the state. Currently, the Federal Police has eight collection sites in the capital and countryside.
"There is a direct relationship between the number of firearms circulating and violence and crime. Therefore, Minas Gerais could not fail to embrace and support this campaign by the federal government, "said the secretary Lafayette Andrada.
According to the secretary, because of the size of the mining territory and to increase the reach of the campaign, the State Secretariat of Social Defense (DES), through the police, will develop a logical design of a network, where cities poles the State will coordinate the satellite towns. "We'll get more than 100 cities are effectively present in the Disarmament Campaign in 2011," he said.
During the launch ceremony of the campaign, were given symbolically by the Ministry of Justice, 545 non-lethal weapons (tasers) intended to state security authorities. The Military Police will receive 315 tasers, the Guard Hall of Belo Horizonte, 200 and the Municipal Guard of Varginha, 30.
Disarmament Campaign was launched in the country on May 6. In two months have been returned approximately 12 000 weapons, according to the Ministry of Justice. In Minas Gerais, according to the Federal Police from January to today, 630 weapons were delivered.
This year, the campaign brings new features relative to those obtained previously, as the destruction of the weapon since the time of delivery, expansion of collection posts and effective participation in society. Besides the civil police precincts and the barracks of the Military Police, who have set are now gathering, the Ministry of Justice will sign non-governmental organizations (NGOs), churches and neighborhood associations to receive weapons and ammunition.
Upon surrender of weapons, the person will receive a coupon with the numbers of equipment and 24 hours after you withdraw money at any branch of Bank of Brazil. The value will vary between $ 100.00 and $ 300.00 depending on the type of weapon delivery. The procedure is a differential, as in previous campaigns had a delay of up to three months to receive the award. The citizen who deliver the firearm, accessory or ammunition will not need to be identified.
"A country like Brazil, with a high rate of growth and integration into the international scene, can not live with high rates of violence, which affects people from many walks of life," reported the executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Coordinator National Disarmament Campaign, Luiz Paulo Barreto.
Steering Committee
On May 5, 2011, instituted the State Management Committee of the Disarmament Campaign. The group meets every Thursday at the School of the Legislature of the Legislative Assembly to discuss issues related to campaign and develop strategies for greater adherence by the population. "The fact that there is already a state commission already structured in Minas Gerais, shows a quite favorable for the development of the disarmament campaign with the miners," said Luiz Paulo Barreto.
There are 13 agencies, organizations and institutions involved: Legislative Assembly, the State Secretariat of Social Defense, Civil Police, Military Police, Fire Department, the Federal Police, Centre for Studies in Crime and Public Safety (CRISP), Mining Institute for Peace ( IMPP), Collective of Black Entities, Community Council Public Safety Araxá Espasso Conseg, Union of Municipal Guards of Minas Gerais (MG-Sindguardas) and Association of Police and Fire Brigade Squares of Minas Gerais (Aspra).
Through e-mail address you can track all the information about the campaign in Minas Gerais, in addition to the addresses of the collection stations.
Disarmament Statute The Disarmament Statute (Law 10.826/2003) came into force in 2003 and regulates the registration, possession, sale and possession of firearms and ammunition in Brazil. With the status, the country now has more stringent criteria for arms control. It was the statute establishing the achievement of disarmament campaigns, providing for payment of compensation for those who voluntarily surrender their weapons at any time, the Federal Police. Source: Estado de Minas Posted:
Ministry of Justice delivers 545 tasers for state security authorities Minas Gerais will gain almost 200 points to collect weapons and ammunition with the official launch in the state, on Tuesday (5), the Disarmament Campaign 2011 - Get a weapon of the future of Brazil. The Secretary of State for Social Defense, Lafayette Andrada and executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice (MJ) and national coordinator of Campaign for Disarmament, Luiz Paulo Barreto, signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Union and State, which includes forces social defense of Minas Gerais, with emphasis on the Civil Police and the Military Police, the network of receiving weapons. The ceremony which started the campaign took place in the Theatre of the Legislative Assembly, in Belo Horizonte.
From the signature of the Technical Cooperation Agreement, the Military Police will have about 100 posts collection, which will serve in battalions and independent companies. Since the Civil Police will have 72 stations, located in regional offices of the state. Currently, the Federal Police has eight collection sites in the capital and countryside.
"There is a direct relationship between the number of firearms circulating and violence and crime. Therefore, Minas Gerais could not fail to embrace and support this campaign by the federal government, "said the secretary Lafayette Andrada.
According to the secretary, because of the size of the mining territory and to increase the reach of the campaign, the State Secretariat of Social Defense (DES), through the police, will develop a logical design of a network, where cities poles the State will coordinate the satellite towns. "We'll get more than 100 cities are effectively present in the Disarmament Campaign in 2011," he said.
During the launch ceremony of the campaign, were given symbolically by the Ministry of Justice, 545 non-lethal weapons (tasers) intended to state security authorities. The Military Police will receive 315 tasers, the Guard Hall of Belo Horizonte, 200 and the Municipal Guard of Varginha, 30.
Disarmament Campaign was launched in the country on May 6. In two months have been returned approximately 12 000 weapons, according to the Ministry of Justice. In Minas Gerais, according to the Federal Police from January to today, 630 weapons were delivered.
This year, the campaign brings new features relative to those obtained previously, as the destruction of the weapon since the time of delivery, expansion of collection posts and effective participation in society. Besides the civil police precincts and the barracks of the Military Police, who have set are now gathering, the Ministry of Justice will sign non-governmental organizations (NGOs), churches and neighborhood associations to receive weapons and ammunition.
Upon surrender of weapons, the person will receive a coupon with the numbers of equipment and 24 hours after you withdraw money at any branch of Bank of Brazil. The value will vary between $ 100.00 and $ 300.00 depending on the type of weapon delivery. The procedure is a differential, as in previous campaigns had a delay of up to three months to receive the award. The citizen who deliver the firearm, accessory or ammunition will not need to be identified.
"A country like Brazil, with a high rate of growth and integration into the international scene, can not live with high rates of violence, which affects people from many walks of life," reported the executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Coordinator National Disarmament Campaign, Luiz Paulo Barreto.
Steering Committee
On May 5, 2011, instituted the State Management Committee of the Disarmament Campaign. The group meets every Thursday at the School of the Legislature of the Legislative Assembly to discuss issues related to campaign and develop strategies for greater adherence by the population. "The fact that there is already a state commission already structured in Minas Gerais, shows a quite favorable for the development of the disarmament campaign with the miners," said Luiz Paulo Barreto.
There are 13 agencies, organizations and institutions involved: Legislative Assembly, the State Secretariat of Social Defense, Civil Police, Military Police, Fire Department, the Federal Police, Centre for Studies in Crime and Public Safety (CRISP), Mining Institute for Peace ( IMPP), Collective of Black Entities, Community Council Public Safety Araxá Espasso Conseg, Union of Municipal Guards of Minas Gerais (MG-Sindguardas) and Association of Police and Fire Brigade Squares of Minas Gerais (Aspra).
Through e-mail address you can track all the information about the campaign in Minas Gerais, in addition to the addresses of the collection stations.
Disarmament Statute The Disarmament Statute (Law 10.826/2003) came into force in 2003 and regulates the registration, possession, sale and possession of firearms and ammunition in Brazil. With the status, the country now has more stringent criteria for arms control. It was the statute establishing the achievement of disarmament campaigns, providing for payment of compensation for those who voluntarily surrender their weapons at any time, the Federal Police. Source: Estado de Minas Posted: